Imagine how your body and your self-esteem would change if instead of sugary desserts, you would be satisfied with shakes and divine snacks that lose weight...
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¿Sientes que con el pasar de los años ganas peso más rápido? ¿Los antojos te hacen salirte de la dieta? ¿Solo piensas en comida?
Con nuestra proteína en polvo Fit & Slim disfrutarás de batidos y postres divinos altos en proteína con tan solo 100 calorías que te sacian por horas, dan energía y ayudan a tonificarte.
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That, in addition, protect your muscles, keep you active and take care of your health.
[strong]Fit & Slim[/strong]is your solution because you will prepare many sweet recipes to control the cravings and anxiety of eating all day, while toning up and increasing your energy.
Proven by endocrinologists, nutritionists and millions of people who already look the way they want.
Whey protein, glucomannan, inulin, digestive enzymes (amylase, lactase, protease and lipase), chromium picolinate, Stevia.
Cómo usarlo:
⚫︎ 1 service after training in 6-8 oz of water, cow's milk or vegetable milk of your choice.
⚫︎ On the days you don't train, have it as an afternoon snack in the form of a smoothie or prepare healthy high-protein desserts.
⚫︎ When you have anxiety to eat, drink 2 to 3 shakes a day in 8 oz of water, with 6 to 8 pieces of ice and add cinnamon.
Thanks to the fact that it contains Glucomannan, a vegetable fiber that expands up to 50 times its size when mixed with liquid, occupying a large part of the stomach and you will eat less food.
It is the same effect that the gastric balloons have that surgeons do, but without spending thousands of dollars on surgery or putting your health at risk.
1- It is the macronutrient with the greatest power to fill you up: If you fill up before, you eat less, you lose pounds and measurements.
2- Accelerates metabolism: helps build muscle mass which helps "burn" more calories, even when you're at rest.
3- Muscle recovery: you will be able to combat flaccidity in less time.
4- They renew and repair tissues: bones, skin, nails, blood vessels, etc.
5- They help the immune system because it is high in cysteine, the precursor amino acid of glutathione, the most powerful antioxidant that our body produces.
6- It is the protein with the highest concentration of BCAAs and essential amino acids that exists.
It can be one or several reasons:
1- Do you remember that when you were little your parents, and especially your grandparents, gave you chocolate or a piece of cake when you felt sad? Or the pots of ice cream that made you eat (or you ate) when you broke up with an ex? We are programmed to crave something sweet when we are sad instead of going for a run, dancing, or hitting a punching bag.
Well, between 3 and 4 in the afternoon, serotonin (happiness hormone) decreases its levels, causing us to feel sad. And since your brain, which is used to being happy with sweets, asks you for donuts, ice cream, brownies and more.
The great news is that you can replace the cravings for a sugar-laden dessert with the delicious Fit&Slim, which, in addition to satisfying the desire for sweets, is high in the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin. Once you take it, your mood will change and you will smile again.
2- Hours after your lunches high in processed foods, blood sugar levels drop and the body needs to replenish energy. Since sugar has a large amount of glucose, it is usually the preferred option.
3- Sleeping less than 7 hours in a row triggers the hunger hormone and neutralizes the satiety hormone, making you eat 300 to 400 calories the next day. The worst thing is that your body asks you for junk food full of refined sugar, processed carbohydrates and foods loaded with trans fats.
4- When you get stressed you lose energy and your body needs to replenish itself. One of the fastest ways to get lost energy is by consuming sweets.
5- Making very strict diets without carbohydrates causes more need to eat them. Therefore, they make you want more desserts with sugar and refined flour.
Eating enough protein is essential for women approaching 50 to avoid age-related muscle loss (sarcopenia).
What is worrying is that 60% of them suffer from sarcopenia, largely due to low protein intake and lack of resistance exercise.
The recommended dose is between 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kg of body weight. For example, a woman who weighs 150 pounds should eat between 80 and 136 grams of protein per day.
But few reach this requirement or do so with foods that, in addition to protein, have fats and calories that make them accumulate body fat.
That's why a protein powder like Fit & Slim is your ideal ally. Not only because you will reach the ideal daily dose easier, but you will do it with a protein of high biological value, with all the essential amino acids for building muscles.
El momento ideal depende de tus objetivos y preferencias personales. Muchas personas
que realizan entrenamientos optan por tomarla después de hacer ejercicio para ayudar en
la recuperación muscular. Sin embargo, también puede ser consumida en otros momentos
del día, como parte de un desayuno equilibrado o como un snack nutritivo.
Hay varias formas de incluirla. Puedes mezclarla con agua o leche para crear un batido
rápido y fácil, o agregarla a preparaciones de frutas y verduras. También puedes utilizarla
como ingrediente en recetas de pancakes, galletas o barras energéticas caseras. La
versatilidad de la proteína en polvo te permite ser creativo y adaptarla a tus gustos y
Este suplemento puede ser útil dentro de un programa de pérdida de peso, ya que ayuda a
aumentar la sensación de saciedad y a mantener la masa muscular. Sin embargo, ten en
cuenta que la reducción de calorías se logra con un enfoque integral que incluya una alimentación equilibrada y un estilo de vida activo, por lo que te aconsejamos hacer
ejercicio con frecuencia.
La proteína en polvo no debe reemplazar comidas completas y equilibradas. Sin embargo,
puede ser utilizada como parte de una dieta saludable y balanceada. Puedes combinarla,
por ejemplo, con otros alimentos nutritivos como frutas, verduras y grasas saludables, para
obtener un snack que te brinde saciedad y energía.
He probado varias proteínas
Un sabor ÚNICO. Los días que entreno la tomo post workout y los días que no, me hago una malteada para merendar
Omg !! Es una Proteina deliciosa y me Ayuda cuando tengo mucha anciedad
Algo le cambiaron que no es la misma de años atrás