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¿Quieres músculos esbeltos y atractivos, pero estás muy cansada para entrenar? ¿Necesitas un empujón que te saque del estancamiento? Nuestra Creatina Monohidratada - Creatine es un suplemento saludable y seguro para recargar tu energía, superarte en cada entrenamiento y recuperarte rápido para ir por más.
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Envió gratis a EEUU, por compras mayores de $120 USD
[strong]Creatine[/strong]drives you to achieve this because it increases the energy, strength and power to progress in each workout and gain fat-free muscle mass.
And it doesn't just help your muscles. It also takes care of heart, brain and bone health, before and after menopause.
Creatine monohydrate powder
Cómo usarlo:
[strong]Use the amount of Creatine indicated for your body weight:[/strong]
⚫︎ Less than or equal to 140 pounds = 5 to 6 grams per day
⚫︎ 141 lbs to 168 lbs = 6-7.5 grams per
⚫︎ 169 pounds to 199 pounds = 8 grams per day
⚫︎ 200 lbs to 242 lbs = 8 to 10 grams per day
⚫︎ 242 lbs + = 10 to 12 grams per day
Drink at least 12 glasses of water a day while consuming it.
Although it is one of the most studied supplements, there are those who doubt the safety of creatine. But science has overturned the two most repeated negative beliefs:
1- Damages kidney function. No evidence has been found that it causes adverse effects on the kidneys. But you should take the recommended amount and consume enough water to avoid risks.
2- Gain weight. If the numbers on your scale are higher, don't worry. It will be due to fluid retention and not fat gain.
This happens because creatine is an amino acid that is assimilated by the fibers of the body and, for that, they need water. But when you stop consuming creatine you will lose the accumulated fluid and the muscles you have already worked will come to light.
You should use it every day, even if you don't exercise, as your cells need to be saturated with creatine to get all its benefits.
Some studies conclude that taking it in post-workout is the best option. However, if you can't, take it at any time of the day.
No. Remember that muscle building needs habits such as regular exercises, a balanced diet and sleeping at least 7 hours in a row. It also requires a dose of effort, perseverance and discipline.
Yes. There are studies that suggest the use of creatine to stimulate the brain and delay mental fatigue.
Other uses that have been found are:
⚫︎ Against depression: the brain consumes more energy than the rest of the body combined and when there is little energy negative thoughts prevail. By increasing energy with creatine, you can improve mood.
⚫︎ For the heart: by increasing the strength of all muscles, it improves the function of the heart. It also helps lower triglycerides and improves the action of insulin.
⚫︎ More memory: Creatine has been shown to improve memory and mood in people who sleep little.
Uno de los principales beneficios de la creatina es su capacidad para aumentar la producción de energía rápida en los músculos, lo que permite una mejora en la fuerza y la potencia. Además, favorece la hidratación celular, ayudando a mantener el equilibrio de líquidos en los músculos y a prevenir la fatiga. También se ha demostrado que la creatina monohidratada contribuye a la regeneración después del ejercicio intenso, lo que puede resultar en una reducción del tiempo de recuperación entre sesiones de entrenamiento.
Tanto la creatina como la proteína son suplementos efectivos en el ámbito de la salud, pero cumplen funciones diferentes en el cuerpo, así que sus beneficios son distintos.
Por un lado, la proteína es esencial para el crecimiento y reparación muscular, y desempeña un papel crucial en la síntesis de proteínas, mientras que la creatina es utilizada como suplemento para mejorar el rendimiento físico, aumentar la fuerza y la potencia.
En última instancia, la elección de consumir una o la otra, depende de tus objetivos individuales y necesidades.