What is the best way to consume red fruits

Cuál es la mejor forma de consumir frutos rojos

Maybe you didn't know it, but by consuming red fruits you are adding to your diet a high content of vitamins, minerals and various nutrients that these numerous fruits bring with them.

Each of them contains antioxidants that can protect your heart, prevent neurodegenerative diseases and disorders, diabetes, inflammation and even cancer . Remember that each berry has its peculiarities and all of them will greatly benefit your health.

Today I will tell you everything about what red fruits are, how to consume them and I will give you reasons to include them in your diet every day.

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What are red fruits?

What are red fruits?

Also known as berries, they are characterized precisely by the reddish color of their skin and, sometimes, their interior.

And believe it or not, their coloring gives them a series of characteristics and qualities that promote cardiovascular prevention and anti-aging , such as flavonoids , anthocyanins and antioxidant compounds in general.

Imagine the amount of beneficial substances that you will give to your body when you start eating these fruits in your diet plan. And all without leaving aside the divine sweet and intense flavors that are so popular . Plus, they are so colorful that they will brighten your day.

Now, what are the best-known red fruits :

  • The raspberries.
  • Blueberries.
  • The currants.
  • The cherries.
  • Red cranberries.
  • Strawberries.
  • The blackberries.

Why should I consume red fruits?

One of the most notable properties of berries is their antioxidant powers , which help keep free radicals under control and combat inflammation.

You probably knew that all berries contain similar amounts of vitamin C and are relatively low in calories.

Next, I will show you how each fruit provides your body with excellent benefits:



They are small in size, have a round shape and have velvety red skin. The pulp is very aromatic and its flavor is bittersweet.

They stand out for their antioxidant powers and their high fiber content. In addition, they improve memory, increase your cardiovascular health, protect your eyesight and enhance weight loss.

You can eat them raw or cooked, and prepare truly delicious savory or sweet recipes.



Also known as blueberry, they are very rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, K and magnesium. As if that were not enough, they are antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, act as cholesterol reducers and help combat aging.

They are so versatile that you can eat them for breakfast, make a delicious sauce to accompany your lunch or include them in a salad for dinner.



Currants are edible berries, round in shape and red in color.

In addition to being rich in fiber and minerals, did you know that this fruit has more vitamins than oranges? It's amazing. In fact, they are diuretics, they will help you fight the flu and they are healthy because they provide few calories to your diet.

They have a quite peculiar acid flavor that goes straight to your palate. Because of these acidic tones, currants are not usually eaten alone. A good way to do this is by adding them to your yogurt.



It has abundant antioxidant polyphenols and, thanks to its composition, a high bactericidal action and protection against urinary infections, proven in several medical studies.

Not by chance, it is one of the ingredients in C ranberry+ with Vitamin C , a supplement that helps prevent and relieve urinary infections, naturally and safely.

Surprisingly, it can also prevent premature aging of the skin, helps fight free radicals and positively influences your cardiovascular health, protecting blood vessels and helping to maintain adequate cholesterol levels in the blood.


They occur at the beginning of summer and are quite particular, because they go from being green to becoming passionate red. Its flesh is firm and quite juicy, but be careful with the pit (you'll probably find out today) because it contains cyanide, which makes it toxic. So, be careful with her.

They are also antioxidants and have multiple qualities:


Unlike other fruits, cherries have a moderate caloric value, but you can still eat them alone or prepare different dishes with them.



Almost everyone knows and consumes strawberries; in some countries, depending on the season they are in. The truth is that, if you want to eat something delicious and refreshing, without adding many calories, strawberries may be the best option.

In addition to being appetizing, they exert an antioxidant function in your body, improve intestinal transit and even help maintain adequate oral health.

They are usually eaten raw to obtain all their qualities. But they can also be the perfect companion for your morning yogurt or your snack.



They are small wild fruits and can also be cultivated. Its color varies as the fruit matures, going from a white tone to becoming red or dark purple.

It is rich in antioxidants like all other red fruits. However, these improve the digestive system and help with cardiovascular health.

Many use it for smoothies, in sauces or to decorate various dishes. You can consume them however you want, as long as it is 100% natural, free of sugar and processed.

Curious fact

Did you know that red fruits can help you combat brain aging?

Just as you read it. It has been proven that the countless compounds contained in these berries help your brain not age so quickly.

Oxidative damage is believed to be one of the main factors in brain aging, and research suggests that diets rich in natural antioxidants may help slow it down.

This is why consuming red fruits will help you maintain the health of your brain.

In general, fruit can be beneficial for your health, but it is important that you keep in mind that excess fructose is not good for you. And this includes red fruits.

All the benefits they have for your health, you only get when you eat the whole fruit and even if it is pureed.

I think it goes without saying, but processed fruit juices and fruit snacks are often accompanied by a lot of sugar or, even worse, high fructose corn syrup.

A tip that will help you in the supermarket: check the labels of the foods you are going to buy, this way you can make sure they are organic and good for your health.

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