Urinary infections during menstruation

If you thought the worst things about your period were belly, breast, and headache pain, bloating, sudden weight gain, or energy slumps, OMG, it turns out we're also more prone to urinary tract infections during menstruation.
To avoid the symptoms of urinary tract infection, pain, irritation and other discomfort caused by infections in the intimate area, keep reading.
You will not only know its causes, but a combination of two ingredients that science has proven to be the most effective to avoid them, calm the symptoms and prevent them from recurring.
Why do urinary tract infections occur during menstruation?
There are two types of urinary infections, cystitis and urethritis. And if not treated in time, they can spread and cause a kidney infection.
They are caused by any type of microorganism: bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, although the most common is that it is bacterial.
One of the most common bacteria is E-Coli, which contaminates 50% of women, once or several times in their lives.
Urine infection in women is more common than in men. And the female apparatus groups the pelvis, urethra, bladder, uterus and rectum in a very small sector. Furthermore, the urethra is short and its end is located inside the vagina, a place populated by aggressive bacteria that cause infections and can travel to the bladder or urethra.
To this we add that, during menstruation, the production of estrogen and progesterone increases, the pH becomes unbalanced as a result of the elimination of cellular debris and the formation of endometrial scales.
This causes the temperature and humidity to promote an ideal environment for bacteria to develop and there is a greater possibility of having infections in the vaginal region.
What are the symptoms of urinary tract infections?
A woman's first urine infection can be a frightening experience, and once you've had one, you'll definitely know when you have another one.
The main symptoms of urinary tract infection during menstruation are:
- Urgent and frequent need to urinate.
- Itching or burning in the urethra when urinating.
- Redness of the vulva and vaginal itching.
- Pain when urinating and having sexual relations.
- Cloudy, milky (thick), or abnormal color of urine.
- Appearance of blood in the urine.
- Fever and chills, which may mean that the infection has reached the kidneys.
- Vomiting and nausea.
- Pain in the side or back (indicates the presence of a kidney infection).
- Women often feel slight pressure above the pubic bone.
- Being more irritable than normal.
Important: Seek medical attention immediately if you have fever, chills, nausea, or vomiting.
Ingredients to attack urinary tract infections at the root
Many women experience the symptoms of a urinary tract infection during or without menstruation , when their daily functioning, their intimate relationships, and even their mood deteriorate.
And they usually do it through antibiotics recommended by a doctor, although many use the one recommended by their mother or a friend.
The bad thing about becoming dependent on this type of medication is that it becomes a vicious infection-antibiotic-infection cycle that does not end the root problem or prevent relapses. And, to top it all off, they can cause stomach discomfort.
But science has shown that there are two natural ingredients with antioxidant properties that help fight bacteria and not only minimize discomfort, but prevent their reappearance.
Cranberry – Blueberries
Cranberry juice extract has a high antioxidant content that makes it a superfood capable of fighting bacteria such as E. coli, which causes recurrent urinary infections, such as cystitis.
In addition, it contains the substance proanthocyanidin (PAC) which prevents bacteria from clinging to the walls of the bladder.
Also, it has detoxifying effects thanks to the fact that it has vitamins C.
Vitamin C – Ascorbic acid
It helps to acidify the urine, creating a hostile environment for bacteria and stimulates the woman's own body's defenses, which helps prevent new episodes of cystitis or urethritis. Also, it intervenes in tissue repair.
VERY IMPORTANT: if you have any health problem, go to a doctor, especially if you have a urine infection or discomfort in your intimate area. Self-medication is not an alternative.