Why Eating Fiber Helps Level Estrogen

If there is a popular nutrient that we have heard about all our lives, it is fiber .
Many think their only quality is pooping easily every day.
But it has many more benefits, including helping to level estrogen. Yes, that hormone that goes out of control during perimenopause and menopause, causing constipation, depression, fat accumulation, fluid retention, hot flashes, among others .
Do you find it hard to believe? Well, here you will learn why eating fiber helps level estrogen.
Eating fiber: a real option for estrogen balance
- Contributes to recovering hormonal balance
The climacteric is usually accompanied by an imbalance in hormones. And especially in perimenopause, estrogen levels are higher than progesterone.
The good news is that fiber can bind to excess estrogen and eliminate it through the intestine.
Everything happens like this:
- The liver is responsible for processing excess hormones and when it does, it releases additional estrogen so that they can be eliminated through the stool.
- If you suffer from constipation and slow digestion , or don't have enough good gut bacteria, estrogen can be reabsorbed and returned to your blood circulation, causing many symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.
- Eating fiber can help prevent this, as it feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut. This prevents estrogen from being reabsorbed from the colon.
Conclusion: fiber and probiotics work hand in hand with the liver, helping you reduce climacteric symptoms and the risk of breast and thyroid cancer.
- Prevents the accumulation of fat typical of mature age
Eating fiber can be very useful to avoid that hateful fat that makes you mad when your pants or blouse don't close. And yes, estrogens are involved.
Why encouraging yourself to eat fiber can save you some love handles?
- It reduces appetite because it stimulates the secretion of the satiety hormone.
- It helps increase insulin sensitivity and balance blood sugar levels – that means fewer cravings in the afternoons and at night!
- Eating fiber is also good for a faster metabolism . It is even claimed to be more effective than the calories in and calories out model, according to a 2017 study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
- It helps reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome which causes, among other things, more body fat and type 2 diabetes.
- It also helps to properly regulate cholesterol levels, which is a precursor to the formation of estrogen. And the more cholesterol, the more estrogens.
- May improve mood and depression
If you are in the middle of or approaching menopause, you may have been feeling sad, blue, or depressed. The cause may be a decrease in estrogen, since it affects norepinephrine and serotonin, two substances that cause depression and mood changes.
Well, research from January 2021 by Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Society suggests that a diet high in fiber can prevent women from becoming depressed.
It does this by helping to balance the microbiota. And a balanced intestinal flora favors the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin that improve mood.
How to start eating fiber without discomfort
There are women who barely realize that fiber is a natural option against climacteric symptoms; they serve plates full of whole grain cereal or eat oatmeal several times a day.
Be careful, adding too much fiber too quickly can cause gas, bloating and cramps. Better follow these keys so that it doesn't happen to you:
- Start eating fiber slowly and increase your intake slowly. If you feel gas or bloating, lower the dose until you tolerate it.
- Accompany it with plenty of water to improve its action in the intestines and balance hormones.
- Most gluten-free products are very low in fiber. If you're on a gluten-free diet, stock up on fiber with beans and vegetables.
- A doctor or nutritionist can help you shape a high-fiber diet that suits your needs.
Foods to eat fiber in a balanced way
- Grains: wheat germ, bran, whole wheat bread and bread products, oat bran, rice bran, brown rice, barley.
- Legumes: beans, white beans, pinto beans, black beans, fava beans, lentils, chickpeas.
- Vegetables: cauliflower, broccoli, celery, potatoes, peas, beans, carrots, asparagus, artichokes, cucumbers, pumpkin, parsley, Brussels sprouts.
- Fruits: apples, oranges, grapefruits, blackberries, tomatoes, dates, raisins.
- Foods with probiotics: yogurt, kefir, combucha, sauerkraut, kimchi and raw cheese. You can also take a supplement to get the amounts that are really effective to work for you.
Remember that this information is only intended to offer you natural alternatives that could help you feel better during the climacteric, but is not intended to supplant specialized medical opinion.