How to understand and support a woman during menopause

Saying “I'm in menopause” is difficult for many women to assimilate . Not only because it is difficult for them to accept that their body-mind seems to be in decline and their quality of life decreases.
But because of the stigma that exists about such a natural stage that we are all going to go through sooner or later.
This post is for those who are in the middle of the climacteric, but also for their partners, family, friends and coworkers who want to understand them and accompany them kindly and with love, to make their path easier.
7 + 1 tips to make menopause more bearable
Tip 1: Talk about symptoms
Anyone who does not know what happens in the body and mind during the climacteric will have a headache trying to understand, for example, how a woman goes from laughing to crying, sweats profusely even when it is cold, or pees every time. a while.
Therefore, knowing the symptoms of menopause and how it affects daily life can make it more tolerable, both for those who suffer from it and for those close to them.
Tip 2: be patient
Women in menopause can feel as confused or more confused than those around them about what is happening to them. Do not you believe it?
The survey “The State of Menopause 2022 ” carried out by the company Bonafide, reflected that more than 92% of them lack education about menopause and 71% do not know how to deal with the symptoms.
How to support them? Listening, understanding and being patient is key . Just knowing that someone is with them is a big step.
Learn more information in the post: Do you celebrate Menopause Day?
Tip 3: Promote your self-confidence
It is not easy for a woman to face the signs of aging, especially when they come suddenly.
Many feel unattractive, fat, old or unpleasant.
The best maneuver is to remind her of the physical and personality traits that make her so fabulous. It's not about lying or exaggerating, because it will sound false, you have to be sincere in your compliments.
Tip 4: get out of the routine
Many women who go through perimenopause and menopause stop doing things they enjoyed before , and prefer to stay at home, either because of their mood or because they have low self-esteem.
Motivating them to do something different can prevent social isolation and will get them out of the loop of destructive thoughts about what is happening to them.
Tip 5: Help her improve her habits
The climacteric is a perfect time to start or consolidate a healthy lifestyle. And it has been proven that they can relieve some of the symptoms of menopause.
Accompanying them on walks, doing yoga, giving them motivation to eat healthy , meditating, sharing supplements to complement their diet, among others, can turn their life around.
Tip 6: take care of privacy
It is a critical issue, since it involves the pleasure of two people, not just one.
Hormones in adulthood cause loss of sexual desire, in addition to symptoms such as vaginal dryness, urinary infections, lack of energy, stress that makes you fat , and more that can deteriorate intimate encounters.
If you are his partner, avoid complaining to him. Ask her how she feels and how you can help her.
Encourage her to go to a specialist who will prescribe a treatment that relieves or controls some of these symptoms. In couples therapy you could also discover ways to show love and care for each other beyond intercourse.
Tip 7: Zero guilt
It is very common for women in the climacteric to feel guilty about everything.
Not pleasing their partners sexually, not having energy to share with their family or not performing equally well at work. They also blame themselves when they have an outburst in which everyone nearby is splashed.
How to support it? If he cancels an outing at the last minute, unintentionally offended you, or arrived late to pick you up from work, don't blame him. Accept that it is a stage, that it is not personal and give it its space.
Final advice: it will help you a lot
Do you remember when you were a teenager and you had crises due to the physical and mental changes that hormones caused? Nobody could stand you, not even you!
But you see, time took care of fixing everything and returning you to normal.
The same thing will happen with menopause.
Once you fulfill your mission of being the bridge to maturity, you will have the experience and strength of not having succumbed to hormonal changes.
And if close beings collaborate for this, interpersonal ties will become stronger.