Foods to prevent constipation

It is a moment of anguish, just thinking that you have to do it makes you start to sweat. It is an activity that, even though you are sitting, tires you as if you were lifting weights. Sometimes you have cried because you feel frustrated, you see yourself with no way out.
Yes, constipation can feel like that.
Nowadays, an act as simple and everyday (because it should be done every day) as evacuating feces from the body, has become an ordeal, especially for women.
But don't worry, this annoying situation has a solution. In this article we tell you how eating a diet for constipation can help you improve your intestinal transit so that you stop straining and everything starts to flow.
Why do you have constipation?
According to the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases , a person is considered constipated when the following occur:
There are less than 3 bowel movements a week.
The stools are hard and dry.
The evacuation is painful.
There remains the feeling that the evacuation was not complete.
Slightly inflamed stomach.
This health condition that affects more women than men in the world occurs because stool moves very slowly through the digestive tract or cannot be completely eliminated through the rectum, causing it to become hard and dry.
Obstructions in the colon, problems in the muscles involved in digestion and elimination, and hormonal changes typical of stages such as menopause are some of the main causes of constipation.
Recommended diet for constipation
The success of a diet for constipation should be based on having good hydration and consuming the appropriate amount of fiber .
We share with you a list of foods that can help you improve intestinal health so that you forget about constipation:
- Water.
- Cereals and grains: oats, wheat bran, brown rice.
- Vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, beet, carrot.
- Fruits: apples with skin, oranges, grapes, tangerine, kiwi, strawberry and avocado.
- Seeds and nuts: chia, flaxseed, pistachios and almonds.
- Oils: olive or avocado.
- Probiotics: yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and fermented foods.
To the extent that you incorporate these foods into your diet and begin to reduce the consumption of industrial bakery, sweet cookies and fried foods, you will see that your digestion will feel much lighter.
Hydrate yourself constantly throughout the day, so that your stools are no longer hard and do not cause pain when you expel them.
And an important recommendation that no one tells you about constipation: move.
Walk after eating, start an exercise routine, it doesn't matter if it's yoga, swimming or just doing 40 minutes on the elliptical. For you to have good digestion you have to move, because if you don't, how will your stool move?
Supplements for slow digestion
If at this point in your life you feel trapped and don't know what to do with your slow digestion, you can also try fiber supplements for constipation that will help you evacuate what you have retained and makes you feel heavy and bloated.
At Evolution Advance we designed Happy Poo , a supplement especially for this digestive discomfort made with a mix of fibers, herbs and natural laxatives that do not irritate and are safe. With these capsules your trips to the bathroom will be minutes and not hours.
And if you want to improve your digestive environment once and for all, try Good Bacteria , a supplement that helps you balance the microbiota in your intestine, which will help you with your constipation forever.