How many carbs should I eat a day?

Knowing how many carbohydrates you should provide in your diet is important. And it is that carbohydrates are necessary for your body and all your systems to function properly.
If the thought of eliminating them ever crossed your mind, it's time to eliminate that thought.
If you wonder how many carbohydrates should I consume per day, here we will answer you. And remember that not all are bad; there are a lot that you can include in your diet.
What is a low carb diet?
Also known as a low carb diet, these are diets where there is a reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates.
It is usually associated with weight loss in which how many calories the body needs daily to lose weight are measured.
Among the best known are the paleo diet and the Atkins diet . But the most popular and one of the most recommended by doctors and nutritionists is ketogenic (keto) , which is based on restricting carbs, mostly sugary and starchy ones.
The latter involves eating fewer carbs and more fat.
And yes, I imagine that the idea that fats are bad must be resonating in your mind. You don't have to worry, because there are studies that show that fat is good for you for many reasons.
There are also studies that reveal that this diet can help you lose weight and control your blood sugar , among other benefits.
What is a high carbohydrate diet?
Consuming more carbohydrates in your diet is a strategy used to improve athletic performance, prior to any activity that requires more energy.
Any physical activity you do requires carbohydrates for fuel. For example, if you go for a run or walk in a nice park, your body uses its existing energy stores as fuel to supply you with energy.
Generally, carbohydrate intake is increased by about 8 to 12 grams per kilogram of body weight. And unlike the low-carb diet, this one reduces fat intake and increases carb intake.
A high or low carbohydrate diet, which is the best option?

Dr. Spencer Nadolsky was sure that the low carb diet was the secret to staying slim and healthy. Until he tried a high-carbohydrate experiment…and the results astounded him.
low carb
Most doctors and nutritionists tend to recommend a low-carb diet, because if you're physically inactive and have a few extra pounds, controlling how many carbs you eat makes it much easier to check your blood sugar and blood pressure.
When a low-carb diet is prescribed, people are asked to focus on:
- Lean proteins.
- The vegetables.
- The fruits.
Automatically, they begin to measure how many calories the body needs daily to decrease them and eat more protein. This makes them feel full longer, which in turn helps them lose weight. By eating more vegetables, they also get more phytonutrients and eat fewer processed foods.
In fact, if you decide to follow this regimen, you may benefit from adding healthy carbohydrates to your daily diet. If you want to know how many types of carbohydrates there are, you can take a look at this post “ Types of carbohydrates and their role in weight loss”.
But while low-carb diets are good, it's said to be neither the best nor the only option for everyone. The fact is that restriction almost never works well in the long run.
high carb
This type of diet is almost always used when performing a high-performance activity, especially if it is high-intensity.
The more extra carbs you add to your diet, the more they will give you the boost to maximize your workouts when your calories start to drop.
Tracking how many carbs you're consuming will help you learn what types of carbs you're actually eating, which leads you to track your calories.
And if you are going to implement this type of diet, replace part of your fat intake with more simple carbohydrates.
Finally, both diets help with fat loss and improve markers of health. But you must understand that each organism is different and not everyone knows how many carbohydrates their body needs.
Every person is a world. Some say they feel better on a low-carb diet, while others need to eat more to function properly.
Remember that before undergoing a diet, you should consult a professional.
Can my health be at risk?
It is no secret to anyone that extremes are bad. If your doctor recommends you follow a low carb diet, don't eliminate them completely and choose the right ones.
On the other hand, if he recommends a diet high in carbohydrates, focus only on good quality ones and do not include processed ones.
Next, I show you a table with the possible problems of both types of diet:

Is my ability to eat carbs determined by my genes?
Ever wonder why some people can eat more carbs without gaining weight, but you seem to gain weight just looking at a potato?
Maybe it's your genes. But just because you're "carb intolerant" doesn't mean you're doomed. These simple guidelines can help you:
how many carbs should i eat a day

The dietary model recommends between 45% and 65% of daily calories. For example, if you're eating 1,800 calories per day, that equates to 203 to 293 grams of carbohydrates.
To know "how many carbohydrates should I consume per day" , an easy and simple way is to do it with your hand. A fist in each meal is equivalent to the amount of carbs you should consume.
But remember that your individual carbohydrate requirements depend on:
- Objective (fat loss, muscle mass increase, maintenance).
- Genetics (different body types, medical conditions).
- Carbohydrate source (refined vs. minimally processed).
- Activity level (sedentary, weight training, endurance athlete).
Ideally, you should track and measure how many carbs you consume. See your workout performance and overall energy levels.
Carbohydrates are your brain's preferred source of energy and increase the release of serotonin , the neurotransmitter that makes you feel happy. So don't cut them out of your life.
Remember that before starting any diet plan you should see a specialist. He will be the one who recommends what is suitable for your health and the best for you to achieve your goal.
And now... Will you start keeping track of how many carbs you eat? tell us.