This is what you must do daily so that the Accelerated Fat Loss Combo works 100% for you

Esto es lo que debes hacer a diario para que el Combo de Pérdida de grasa acelerada te funcione al 100%

If you are here, it can mean one of two things: you have already decided to enlist the help of our Accelerated Fat Loss Combo to change your body or you are thinking of taking the plunge.

Whatever your case, congratulations! Not only will it help you overcome those stubborn pounds that bury your self-esteem, but it will be very good for your health.

And since I want you to obtain wonderful results faster and safer, I will give you some keys that will help you get the most out of the four formulas that make it up.

To avoid being overweight and its multiple complications that go beyond not fitting into your bikini in summer, it is not enough to eat less and exercise more.

If it were that easy, everyone would be thin and healthy.

This evil of modern life that causes so many serious health conditions must be attacked from multiple angles.

Because if you look closely, you could be reaping many negative habits that impact the proper functioning of your body, including fat loss.

Or maybe you don't find yourself involved in the following situations that most people experience?:

We spend all day glued to the computer, tablet, cell phone or TV .

Between the excitement that we give to our brains and their neurons with blue light, plus the hours of wakefulness that we impose on ourselves to watch series on Netflix or Stories on Instagram, we dramatically affect the quality of our sleep.

The problems caused by poor sleep do not stop at how to hide the dark circles and bags around your eyes, whether you live in a bad mood, sick or without energy.

In addition, you tend to consume 300 to 400 extra calories the next day and choose processed foods high in sugar and fat. That is scientifically proven.

That is why it is so important to overcome lack of sleep to lose weight, fat and stay healthy.

We are drowning in a sea of ​​stressful situations

We live with our hair standing on end, anxious and stressed for different reasons.

Credit cards to pay, the global economy, children running and screaming all over the house, fights with your partner.

Well, it turns out that the more stressed you are, the more your cortisol levels (the stress hormone) will increase.

This chemical substance that your body secretes is beneficial in small quantities. But too much harms your health and hinders your attempts to lose weight and fat.

It also affects your muscle mass by increasing catabolism, commonly known as muscle loss.

Toxins and endocrine disruptors surround us

Food, cosmetics, plastic containers, cleaners, water and even the air you breathe contain harmful agents that create hormonal imbalances and alter the body's biochemistry, causing it to malfunction.

One of its consequences is the accumulation of fat, especially in the middle area and hips due to the increase in estrogen, which generates the famous pear-shaped body.

Based on this reality, we set out to create a solution for people like you who want to lose weight and measurements in less time.

And we find a way to transform your figure naturally, effectively and faster.

Four star products that mercilessly combat stubborn pounds

The Accelerated Fat Loss Combo has everything to take on those silent enemies that have shattered your previous attempts to look and feel the way you want.

In short: poor sleep, uncontrolled hunger, toxins that do not allow you to lose weight and accumulated fat where you least want it.

Keys to take full advantage of your accelerated fat loss combo

When going through your transformation process with this combo on your side, keep in mind that you should not leave all responsibility to these food supplements.

It is also important that you focus on your goal, at least for 3 months, without looking at what other people are doing.

With my 30 years of experience in the world of fitness, I can assure you that the biggest mistake women make, especially women, is to indiscriminately combine the diets and exercise routines that their friends or some self-proclaimed “influencers” with more physical attractiveness than knowledge do. .

In the end, they end up making a hybrid that does not allow them to achieve their objective.

Another thing to consider is that if you've been putting on weight for, say, a year, you can't expect to lose 20 pounds in 30 days. The only thing left from the trouble is fatigue.

Furthermore, science has already shown that losing more than 1 pound per week harms muscle mass and that is what is least in your best interest. On the contrary, for every additional pound of muscle you have, you will burn 50 calories.

I'm not going to recommend a diet

There are many healthy and safe eating styles, when practiced well: plant-based, paleo, keto, intermittent fasting, Atkins, flexible diets and a long etcetera.

But I won't tell you what you “should” do because every body is different.

Better invest your time and money in visiting a professional who will design an eating plan according to your tastes and needs.

What can I do? Give you the following keys so that you can start taking steps now.

I assure you that your doctor or nutritionist will agree with them:

  • Add color to your dishes with as many vegetables as possible, but not all at once. In addition to providing you with vitamins and minerals, they have fiber that makes it easier for you to go to the bathroom.
  • Increase your consumption of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and Brussels sprouts. If they cause bloating, try arugula, watercress, spinach and kale.
  • Do not abuse fruits because the body can only store a small amount of fructose. What you put in extra will stay in your body as fat.
  • Choose those with a lower glycemic index such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, papaya, apple and pear.
  • I once read that to lose fat you have to smell like fish. It's definitely true.

Prefer fatty fish such as salmon, cod and sardines for their high omega-3 content. They will help you reduce chronic inflammation and that promotes your fat loss. Better if they are in the wild because those raised on farms have hormones and antibiotics.

  • Say NO to processed foods because they are loaded with artificial substances and high amounts of sugar. You can treat yourself from time to time, but don't make it a norm.
  • Opt for natural carbs such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, quinoa, oats and wild rice.
  • If you are going to eat grains, do so in moderation. Remember to soak them overnight and cook them in a pressure cooker to eliminate lecithins that hinder the absorption of nutrients from all foods.

Exercising benefits beyond your physical appearance

If you do exercises, as the saying goes, you will kill several birds with one stone.

Activating your body will not only make you lose weight and measurements. It will also help you if you are stressed and don't sleep soundly.

Ideally, a qualified trainer will design a personalized exercise plan for you.

In the meantime, you can start by doing the following:

  • Start by walking outdoors every day for 30 minutes to an hour.

If you leave your cell phone at home and don't have music with you, much better. The idea is that you enjoy the landscape, distract yourself and relax to reduce your cortisol levels.

  • After two weeks of walking, you can incorporate resistance exercises 3 times a week, for example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Keep walking the rest of the days.

You can do it at home or the gym. Whatever suits you best to keep you motivated.

  • By week six you could have lost 6 to 10 pounds, feeling better and more energetic. It would be a good time to try interval training, known as HIIT.

They don't last more than 20 minutes, but since they are demanding they give results.

But don't abuse them, especially if exercising hasn't been your thing. Keep in mind that intense exercise is a form of stress and must be dosed. Twice a week will be enough.

I leave you this table of what a week of effective training would be like; You could adopt it after you have adapted to moving constantly.

Resistance exercises Monday Wednesday and Friday
Interval training (HIIT) Tuesday and Thursday
Walk Saturday and Sunday

When you feel that your body is asking you to rest, listen to it. This way you will avoid injuries that delay your evolution.

There's nothing wrong with taking the weekend to rest. You deserve it!

Prepare yourself mentally for the challenges ahead

The process of losing weight and fat has its ups and downs.

You must be clear that there will be times when you might become demotivated, but you will definitely be able to overcome them quickly if you remain firm and understand why they happen.

Some weeks you could lose 1 to 2 pounds. There will be others in which your weight remains suspended and you even gain more than you lost.

That doesn't necessarily mean your body fat is being reproduced while you're doing the right thing.

It could be because, thanks to exercise, you are developing muscle mass. That will reflect more numbers on your scale because muscle takes up less volume, but is heavier than fat. The best thing is that you will be more toned.

Therefore, try to track your results by measuring yourself with a tape measure instead of weighing yourself.

And please, don't feel guilty or throw away your progress if you slip up and break the diet. It can happen to anyone.

Were you invited to a birthday party and couldn't resist a piece of profiteroles? Don't beat yourself up about it. Just keep moving forward progressively and be happy that you made one of the best decisions of your life.

Having your Accelerated Fat Loss Combo on hand will add positive points in your task of transforming yourself.

But remember that to achieve this you must accompany it with healthy habits.

This is not the time to lose your mind adding and subtracting pounds. Nor about going overboard with the doses of your supplements. You won't gain anything with that.

As additional help, I leave you several links to other publications that are on our blog. They will help you better understand your process.

How to defeat the 4 horsemen of the immune apocalypse

[Discovering the enemy] Learn everything about toxins and how they affect your health and even your weight

[I already discovered the enemy] Now how do I get rid of the toxins to lose weight faster?

Simplified guide to sleeping like a baby and losing fat while you dream

Why is melatonin healthier and more efficient at ending insomnia than sleeping medications?

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