10 answers from science that will destroy your fears of taking protein to lose weight

When it comes to protein , we love to take flavor into account because we believe that healthy living can be delicious.
But when it comes to choosing the most effective protein for weight loss, there are those who are more rational and ask questions about its characteristics, benefits, if they have side effects, how long it works, when, how much and who can take it, among many others.
Therefore, if whey protein is among your options, this post is made for you.
Because I am going to answer the 10 most common questions that people ask about this food supplement .
The answers may end up becoming those reasons you were waiting for to choose it as the great help you need to transform your figure in a spectacular way.
What effects will taking protein have on my body?
There are not a few studies that reflect the high nutritional value and multiple benefits offered by whey protein .
And here I am going to show you the 5 that may interest you the most, especially if your goal is to lose measurements and maintain your muscle mass.
Causes a feeling of satiety and helps reduce hunger
When you start a diet low in carbohydrates , fat and sugar, hunger and cravings make their appearance.
Right there is when you need a weapon that will not let you fall into temptations and throw away what you have advanced.
Whey protein has shown that it can come to your rescue, because it provides a satiety effect for more than three hours, which promotes your weight loss.
Because look at it like this, if after each intake your appetite decreases, you will not arrive at the next meal wanting to devour an elephant. Therefore, you will not gain more weight.
In addition, it has been shown to be able to boost metabolism , which helps you burn more calories, and is effective in burning fat, compared to other types of protein such as casein and soy.
Eating protein promotes muscle growth
There is a body goal that usually comes after you lose body fat. And it is to show off strong and well-toned muscles.
If you want to do things right, in addition to keeping your diet low in calories, you must start a training plan that favors the development of your muscles.
And in that whey protein can help you a lot.
The reason? It has a high concentration of essential amino acids for your body, among which are the BCAAs.
In particular, a branched-chain one called leucine, which helps maintain blood sugar levels and increases growth hormone production.
This not only provides you with greater strength during your workouts, but also takes care of your muscle mass.
Eating protein helps reduce inflammation

Inflammation is your body's response to aggression , whether due to an infection, injury, or the action of a toxic substance.
And it may surprise you, but it can also appear due to unhealthy lifestyle habits such as a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and a diet high in carbohydrates, fat, and sugar.
Above all, the latter is capable of making your belly feel inflamed . And I am not referring to those rolls that some have in the middle area due to the accumulation of fat.
To avoid feeling inflamed, you have to take care of the way you eat.
But it can also be very useful to take whey protein that contains the digestive enzymes lactase, protease and lipase, which prevent the unpleasant feeling of a bloated stomach.
In fact, one study showed that taking whey-based protein significantly lowers C-reactive protein (CRP), a key marker of inflammation in the body.
Whey is an excellent source of high-quality protein.
Whey protein has a very high nutritional value and is one of the best dietary sources of high-quality protein.
And what does that mean?
It has a high biological value because it contains essential amino acids.
That is, those that the body does not produce, but you need to get them directly from the food you eat, or in this case, from a protein powder.
Eating protein improves the body's antioxidant defenses
Surely you have heard of antioxidants, those substances that act against oxidation in the body and help prevent premature aging and the risk of some diseases.
One of the most important is the "glutathione" generated by the body itself.
Its production depends on the supply of various amino acids, such as cysteine, which is sometimes in limited supply.
Whey protein contains it and, therefore, it contributes to increasing the body's natural antioxidant defenses and glutathione levels.
How do I verify that the protein is of quality?

Many have the idea that all cows live in freedom, grazing on green pastures for their natural food.
And won like that, of course they exist. But sadly, there are others who are confined to concentrated feeding operations, genetically modified and treated with hormones to increase their weight and milk production.
Why is it useful for you to know this?
Because if you choose a whey protein from happy and healthy cows , you will be sure that it is a pure, healthy and 100% natural product.
You have to be very aware because there are many unreliable whey protein powders , which come from grass-fed cattle sprayed with herbicides, insecticides or pesticides. And, to top it off, they contain additives or chemicals
Not only that, some are combined with cheap ingredients like soy (in the form of soy lecithin) that is genetically modified , and that can cause hormonal imbalances and some diseases.
What else assures you of the quality of a whey protein?
✓ That it is cold processed, since heat destroys the fragile molecular structure of the whey.
✓ Make it whey protein concentrate (WPC), and not whey protein isolate (WPI).
Can eating protein harm my body?

Many people, including some nutrition experts, question how beneficial whey protein is for health, or whether it could harm health.
The truth is that everything depends on the way you consume it .
Because if you use the recommended doses , it can become a powerful supplement to your diet.
But if you take more than necessary, you could gain weight just as if you ate large amounts of meat, chicken or eggs.
Overdoing it could also cause stomach aches, cramps and bloating, acne, nausea, increased thirst, fatigue, tiredness and migraines.
So, how much protein powder should I consume according to my weight in order not to harm my body? It depends on several factors, but one of the most important is your level of physical activity.
To find out how much protein is right for you, read: How much protein to lose weight you need.
That is, the process by which new proteins are composed from the twenty essential amino acids.
The conclusion: take it moderately and enjoy all its benefits.
And we recommend that if you are pregnant, take any medication, suffer from allergies to milk or are lactose intolerant, it is best to consult your doctor or nutritionist.
Does taking protein make you fat?
There are no scientific studies that show that whey protein causes weight gain more than other types of food.
That is, like any macronutrient, that is, fat, protein and carbohydrates, if you consume it in excess it can make you fat.
But there are many points in favor of this protein, proven by science, that can give you peace of mind in this regard.

Can I use the protein to replace my meals?
I have a definitive answer to this question: ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Some people think that replacing a whole, natural meal with a protein powder will help them lose weight faster. And that is not true.
The truth is that they do help you recover after exercising or reduce the desire to eat when you are on a diet.
And because they're low in carbs, fat, and calories , you can confidently take them to add quality protein to your healthy eating regimen.
Something very, very different is a meal replacement shake.
Do not confuse them, because the latter contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which offer a balance of the three macronutrients.
That is why they are usually recommended for those who are just looking to gain muscle mass.
How long does the protein take to work?
The whey protein digestion process is fast.
In total, it navigates your gastrointestinal tract in 1.5 hours, on a journey that goes from the stomach to the small intestine.
Its digestion can take longer if it is consumed with milk or casein, because they cause the whey to coagulate and allow it to remain in the stomach for longer .
Since whey digests quickly (compared to other proteins such as meat), it's important that you absorb amino acids quickly.
Whey is absorbed at a rate of approximately 8 to 10 grams per hour .
This is a much higher rate when compared to casein protein, which can be absorbed at a rate of less than 5 grams per hour .
If I take more protein than recommended, do I lose?
As I already told you, taking more protein than indicated is not useful or necessary .
On the contrary, if you ingest an amount greater than your body can handle for a long time, it could cause aging problems and an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
If what you want is to lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly, consume one serving per meal that provides you with 20 to 25 grams of protein if you are a man, and 15 to 20 grams if you are a woman.
That number also goes for older people and pregnant women.
Remember, in case of doubt, it is best to consult a doctor or nutritionist. They can tell you if this is the right protein for your goal and how much to consume.
If I'm not on a diet, can I take protein?

Consuming protein is essential to maintain a healthy body that works at 100% of its potential.
Among other things, because it serves to protect your muscles and combat the hunger that mercilessly attacks you.
But it has been shown to have other benefits that you might be interested in, if your goal isn't to lose weight or build muscle mass.

What does all this tell you?
If you want to strengthen your immune system, prevent disease, and improve your overall health, whey protein is a great option.
Is it recommended for women to take protein?
To this question, the best answer I can give is a resounding , OF COURSE YES!
And I'm going to list some reasons:
✓ It will help you achieve an overall toned appearance, if you combine it with good exercise routines.
✓ It will improve your physical performance during a workout.
✓ It will promote your weight loss.
✓ It will be an ideal complement to your low-calorie diet.
✓ It will help you prevent the risks related to a protein deficiency such as osteoporosis, edema, slow metabolism, obesity, brittle hair, brittle nails and lack of energy.
Can eating protein increase my energy?

Whey protein has been shown to be a mood enhancer and help increase energy, especially when you restrict your caloric intake.
That happens because it encourages the production of serotonin, also called the happiness hormone.
Furthermore, it is estimated that this chemical produced by the human body can positively affect behavior, sleep patterns and memory.
Very good news if you are on a diet!
I hope I have cleared up your doubts about the advisability of using whey protein as a food supplement to achieve your physical goal.