Good bacteria in the intestine, the final solution for your constipation

Bacterias buenas en el intestino, la solución final para tu estreñimiento

It is exciting! Every day there is more evidence about the power of probiotics to feed the good bacteria in the intestine and improve constipation.

Millions of doctors indicate them as a daily treatment to go to the bathroom gently, frequently and have healthy poops . Even to prevent constipation from getting worse when menopause approaches.

If you want to stop being constipated, bloated and in a bad mood due to the poop accumulated in your colon, keep reading. You will learn facts, from good sources, about how the right probiotics can help you get the relief you need.

Having good bacteria in the intestine prevents constipation

Billions of bacteria live in your intestine.

Some are harmful and you acquire them due to bad habits and toxins in the body when you eat poorly (especially sugar), you are stressed, due to environmental pollution, pesticides in food, you are sedentary and much more.

Having them not only damages your physical and emotional health, but it can seriously affect your intestinal function, making pooping hell.

Other bacteria are your great allies, as they benefit you in many ways, including having good digestion and ensuring that your gastrointestinal system is healthy and functions perfectly.

Just imagine going to the bathroom as punctual as a Swiss watch and having your poop flow without it being a tragedy.


What the studies say (don't worry, in simple words)

Many research has shown that consuming probiotics is a solution to populate your intestines with good bacteria, putting an end to constipation and improving your quality of life.

Here are some interesting facts:

  • They reduce intestinal transit time by more than 12 hours

It's frustrating to try to poop and nothing comes out. You push hard, squirm, and give up until the next try.

The good news is that a group of scientists did an experiment with 1,182 patients ( 1 ). There they discovered that feeding the good intestinal bacteria with probiotics causes the intestines to move the bolus optimally to push the feces out.

  • 30% more bathroom visits

The more days you go without pooping, the more distress you feel because you know you are accumulating toxins. You feel heavy, your belly looks like a balloon, you get sick, etc.

The same study showed that probiotics considerably increase the frequency and consistency of stools. That is, you go to the bathroom more times and the poop is soft enough to slide off effortlessly.

  • 1.29 more daily bowel movements in irritable bowel syndrome

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, you know how annoying and embarrassing it is to live at the expense of belly pain, gas or constipation.

Well, scientists analyzed 17 studies ( 2 ) with encouraging results, since probiotics increased the number of bowel movements in each patient.

They had fewer hard stools, easier bowel movements and the feeling that the intestine was free of waste.

*If you want to go deeper into the studies, we leave you the links at the end of the text

Extra fact: if you are close to menopause or already have it, you may be interested

Are your visits to the bathroom no longer as smooth and pleasant as they were some time ago?

Here's an interesting fact, your constipation may have less to do with your diet or how much water you drink, and much more to do with the hormonal imbalances of age.

Are you surprised? This is what is happening:

  1. Estrogens promote good bacteria in the gut. But when perimenopause does its thing and its levels drop, your microbiome is affected and your risk of constipation increases ( 3 ).
  2. Progesterone can affect your ability to get rid of stool ( 4 ). The less progesterone you have, the slower the journey your food takes from entering your mouth to expelling it. Therefore, your time on the toilet can be torment.

Achieving the balance of your microbiota will help you keep your good bacteria active and avoid the risk of suffering from constipation. Beyond your age and your hormones.

What is the effective probiotic mix for constipation?

There are more than 500 different types of probiotic bacteria, according to Harvard Medical School . So it can be confusing trying to choose the right ones.

You should keep in mind that probiotics are different in genus, strain and species. Furthermore, they have different functions.

There are friendly bacteria that have been shown to be beneficial in maintaining healthy poop and regularity in the toilet. They are those of the genus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

And we have excellent news. Among our solutions, we created a probiotic supplement that contains them.

Get to know it, it's called Good Bacteria.

* References:

The effect of probiotics on functional constipation in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Can probiotics relieve constipation-predominant IBS?

Estrogen-gut microbiome axis: physiological and clinical implications

Effect of supplementation and withdrawal of female sex hormones on gastrointestinal and colonic transit in postmenopausal women

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