Intestinal bacteria out of control: here are the reasons

It is amazing how more studies are becoming known every day that demonstrate the connection between intestinal bacteria and all other aspects of human health.
They can be your allies to be healthier or your worst enemies. You just have to learn to take care of them.
But you may wonder, how do I know when my bacteria are malfunctioning? And most importantly, what can I do about it?
To find out the answers to these questions, keep reading.
What are intestinal bacteria?
Gut bacteria number more than 100 trillion cells and have an incredible impact on your health, more than experts realized.
You must bear in mind that they are extremely relevant for your body to function well and you do not run the risk of having problems related to your digestive system.
Two types of bacteria reside within your gut.

To achieve a healthy intestine, you only need to have a balance of bacteria, of course limiting the "bad" ones and giving way to the "good" ones.
7 Signs Your Gut Bacteria Are Out of Balance
Knowing if you have destabilized bacteria is not as easy as knowing if you have a fever. But, even if you think it is difficult to perceive, there are warning signs that will indicate that something could be wrong.
Keep in mind these indications that your own body could be sending you:
Digestive problems
Usually when you're called "bad gut bacteria," the first sign that comes to mind is digestive problems. And it is understandable.
Most doctors prescribe generic drugs like antacids. But unfortunately, these only address superficial symptoms, since they do not attack the unhealthy bacteria.
You may not have a healthy gut if you are struggling with any of the following symptoms:

Mental problems
Did you know that the health of your gut is capable of affecting the health of your brain? It sounds crazy, but it's true. It has already been scientifically proven that gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters.
But today scientists are inclined to believe that people with certain mental disorders also tend to have disorders.
Bacteria found in the gut could be to blame for:

Vitamin and mineral deficiency

When it comes to helping your body produce and synthesize vitamins and minerals, having a healthy gut plays a huge role.
At the moment in which the microorganisms in the intestine are out of control, your body has a harder time getting enough essential vitamins and minerals such as:
- Vitamin D.
- vitamin k
- Vitamin B12 and B7.
- Magnesium.

If you use them correctly, antibiotics are one of the greatest innovations in modern medicine, but using them incorrectly can create intestinal problems.
Antibiotics kill bad bacteria, but they also often kill good bacteria, which are essential to your health.
You should know that the good bacteria killed by antibiotics do not replace themselves unless you intervene.
Uncontrolled chronic stress

In addition to exhausting you, making you anxious and raising your blood pressure… Did you know that stress can also wreak havoc on your gut? Even if you try to avoid him at all costs, he will always be there. But you don't have to worry, this is not a major problem if you know how to handle it.
You may have already known this, but uncontrolled stress increases cortisol levels, which can prevent your gut from working properly.
If you've been under stress for the past few months, years, or decades, but haven't managed it, there's a good chance your gut isn't healthy.
skin conditions
Many skin conditions can indicate bowel problems or could even be a sign that your gut isn't right. The problem is not the skin itself, it is only indicative.
If you have any of these conditions, see your doctor because it could be due to imbalanced intestinal microorganisms:

Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases can be difficult to control because the body is literally attacking itself.
Everything in the world has evolved and research regarding autoimmune diseases has not been left behind. This is how scientists have linked these diseases to sick intestines.
If you're struggling with any of these autoimmune diseases, you may be able to make your symptoms go away by taking care of your gut:
4 easy steps to stabilize your gut bacteria
Did any of the warning signs above look familiar to you?
If so, don't stress. From now on, you can take steps to improve the health of your gut. And in this way you will prevent new medical conditions from arising and can even reverse the conditions you already have.
Are you ready to start taking care of your good bacteria?
Put the following recommendations into practice:
Avoid toxins
Many people continue to eat and live in ways that do not benefit the good bacteria. It just kills them.
Leading an unhealthy lifestyle encourages the growth of bad bacteria and breaks the integrity of your intestinal lining. And in most cases, people don't even know they're eradicating their good gut bacteria.

Just keep in mind that avoiding toxic foods and environmental toxins is a great start, but it's not enough for optimal health.
There are alternatives to protect your liver from toxins that enter your body, in a faster, safer and healthier way. This is the case with Detox , a nutritional supplement that will detoxify and protect you day by day.
Eat fermented foods to nourish your gut bacteria
It's time you got proactive and started encouraging good gut bacteria to flourish. One of the best ways is to eat more fermented foods, which are packed with probiotics.

If you are going to start including them in your diet, do it with small amounts, remember that nothing in excess is good.
And if you want to know the weight loss properties of these foods, visit this post on our blog "Probiotics to lose weight: use them and add them to your diet" .
Take probiotic supplements
You can restore your gut health faster by taking a daily probiotic supplement, and you can also "make up" for the good bacteria you lost.
And if you are looking for a nutritional supplement, Good Bacteria It can be a great option because it provides 30 trillion good microorganisms that will help protect your immune system and keep your digestive system healthy.
manage your stress
The most powerful thing you can do to improve your gut health, aside from changing your lifestyle to a healthier one, is to make stress management a priority.
I remind you, there is no specific method to do it. The key is to pick something you enjoy and do it consistently. If you make time in your schedule to manage stress, whether you have it at the moment or not, it will help you a lot to:
- Reduce cortisol levels.
- Improve your intestinal health.
Important fact: Make sure you get enough sleep, since a lack of sleep will increase your cortisol levels and this damages your intestine. Try to sleep between 7 or 8 hours at night.
With smart knowledge and action, you can heal yourself from the inside out.
The recipe for a healthy gut is easy:

Carry everything patiently. Nothing happens overnight, but with perseverance and good habits you will make it.
Changing your gut could be the first step to changing your life!
You have doubts? I wait for you in the comments.