Reasons to worry about the health of your poop

Have you ever fixed your eyes on the toilet to detail the appearance of your poop?
It might seem weird or gross to you just thinking about it. But it is very important!
And it is that your feces can shed many clues about your health, your mood, the appearance of your skin, even your difficulty in losing weight or even your ability to eliminate toxins from the body .
Keep reading so that you know how to detect, through your bowel movements, if everything is fine in your body or if you should take action to improve them.
Why is it important to have healthy stools?
When your poop looks good, it slides smoothly and naturally down the toilet. CHEER UP! because it indicates that many things in your body are working properly:
- Your microbiota is healthy and balanced.
- Your gastrointestinal system works optimally.
- You have a good diet, with enough fiber.
- You are well hydrated.
- Your stomach muscles are relaxed.
- Your hormones stay balanced.
- You have healthy stress levels.
- You are an active person.
On the contrary, sick poop brings multiple complications that go beyond constipation, cramps, gas, fissures and hemorrhoids due to hard stools, or dehydration, burning and more, which causes diarrhea:
- Joints and back hurt frequently.
- You have sore muscles ( myalgia ).
- Bad breath, body odor, smelly feet, and flatulence.
- Repeated headaches.
- Memory problems, brain fog, and " brain fog ."
- Mood swings, anger, irritability, memory loss.
- Acne and dry skin.
- Fatigue and low energy.
What to look for to know the state of your poop?
The color, the shape, the smell and the consistency… Everything matters!
But don't worry, you don't have to be a doctor or bioanalyst to detect it.
There is a simple tool that classifies faeces: the Bristol Scale (Heaton and Lewis, University of Bristol).
Its purpose is not to give you a diagnosis, but to guide you on whether you have any alteration that you should control or consult a doctor.
Important: Rate your poop by how it usually behaves. Maybe one day you went too far with condiments or you got too stressed so your poop can be different; do not count those cases for this scale.
what does your poop tell you
shape and consistencyThere are 7 groups of feces, according to their shape and consistency:
- Type 1: if they are separated, hard and small, like rabbit pupusitos, they indicate that you suffer from constipation.
- Type 2: the elongated (sausage-shaped) and full of lumps indicate that you are dehydrated.
- Type 3: if they are elongated with cracks, similar to a blood sausage with cracks, they are normal, but they can improve.
- Type 4: if they are elongated, smooth and soft, similar to a soft sausage, congratulations! they are the perfect poops.
- Type 5: soft, with separate pieces or defined edges can indicate that you have not digested the food well.
- Type 6: Soft and with separate pieces and stuck edges may indicate diarrhea.
- Type 7: Watery, shapeless, and continuous stools is definitely diarrhea.
- Brown: it is the ideal color of feces, everything is going well.
- Green: food has passed through the digestive tract very quickly.
- Yellow: it is related to problems in the elimination of bile, being celiac or suffering from hepatitis.
- Red: it is produced by bleeding in the large intestine or hemorrhoids.
- Black: it can be caused by iron intake or the presence of blood from the small intestine or digestive tract.
- White: lack of bile or malabsorption of fats.
Ok, poop will never smell nice, but if you regularly classify it as rotten, it can spell trouble.
When to go to the doctor for the type of stool
To keep track of your health, you should monitor your bowel movements and their frequency.
If you notice any of the following changes, see your doctor:
- Increased number of stools or diarrhea, with or without blood in the stool.
- Persistent constipation that did not exist before or more effort must be made to defecate, especially if there is weight loss.
- If your stools are black like tar and sticky, pasty continuously or white.
- If there is red blood, it can be a sign of something mild, but also of serious pathologies.
What do I do now?
If you already ruled out that you have a medical condition that ruins the health of your poo and the functioning of your body, there are simple ways to improve it in a short time.
And since we want you to start taking care of yourself today, be sure to try the Poo Good Solution to make perfect poops.